Saturday, May 31, 2014

Della's Random things favorite

Hi Guys!!!! So I went to the mall like 4 hours ago. And I buy some random things that I love so much, cause it's cute and much much amazing. So let's get started.......

Ignore my face x_x

1. New Hair bangs/pony!!!! Aye!!!!!!
So guys... actually I went to mall 4 hours ago, just for going to saloon to cut my long bangs/pony. But I saw some random things so I thought It's cute if I have that things. Yeah.. cause on Monday, June 2nd I'll going to have Final Semester test, so I decided to cut out my long bangs/pony. And I feel like I'm back to kiddie time cause the saloon cut my pony so shorts. I'm just like coming back to kiddie time/childhood. But yeah that's okay. I think that I'm looking cute and awesome, (I think)

2. Mocking Jay Bird Necklace
Oh my God, I'm freaking shock when I saw this most amazing things at the mall. Yeah, I like Hunger games so much...... And I wish I'm people who became the part of that movie, yeah you should check out my draw my life post, There's something fact about me and that's always true, "I like to dreaming". Well my besties Dona a.k.a Regina so freaking jealous when I showed the necklace to her. Shh... she love Gale very much. #me #too

3. Mac Blush on + Little cutie blush
This is so  much-much amazing + adorable + awesome + gorgeous, obviously. I like something peachy, and it has the most beautiful color for me. When you apply it to your cheeks, Bang!!! The soft pink a.k.a peachy color so much smooth and soft. Make you cheeks looking great and beautiful. Oh my God, I'm in love with this,,,.

4. Cute Album Photo
Aw... this is so cute. I love something white, and something fat. Yeah. I'm in love with that fat and cute bear. And I dunno, why I pick this, although I know, I don't have a lot of photos. So why I need album. Yeah but the only reason is, that bear so cute. And the album, much much adorable.

5. Random Printed Legging
Gee........... Do you remember, when I said, I loved something colorful. If you remember, of course you know why I bought this legging. Yeah, cause it's colorful. And I love that printed picture, cute and skinny, suitable for my boots/high top converse.

So guys, that's all for today, and I'll see you later on, Saturday, June 7th.. I'll miss you guys, so much. Ilysm.
Follow me on :
Twitter : @DellaCNapitu
Instagram : @dellachristina

xoxo, Della

Friday, May 30, 2014

DIY : Trend Shirts Tutorials

Guys, what is up? So before we started I remind you, start from Sunday, June 1st until Friday, June 6th, this blog will closed/inactive, but don't worry, I'll be back on Saturday afternoon, June 7th. I'll join Final Semester Exam. So guys, I'll show today, tutorials how to make trend shirts. So when you wear this, you'll look so gorgeous and you are the most update and stylish and swag people in the world *to much talking
So come on, let's get started....

1. Lip Crop top
Materials :
1. Crop top
A little bit expensive if you buy the crop top may be. Why don't you make your own crop top? Tutorial? Check out my older post
2. Stencil paper
3. Scissor
4. Iron

How to make:

  • Open your Computer/PC/Laptop and open the internet, find your favorite mouth/lip clip art and print it on the stencil paper.
  • Cut the mouth/lip clip art neatly
  • Place the mouth, where you want to be
  • Iron the mouth so it's stick on the crop top. 
  • Voila, You're done.. 
2. Front Tie shirts 
The most easiest

Materials :
1. Shirts
2. Scissor

How to make :
  • Take the shirts and the scissor
  • Cut this part -> and tie it
  • Done!!!
3. Bow back shirts 
Materials :
1. Shirts
2. Fabric, the patterns/colors of your choosing 
3. Fabric Glue
4. Scissor

How to make :
  • Take your shirt, cut the back of the shirts like that picture
  • Take your fabric
  • Cut the fabric shaping the rectangle and glue at the edges of the rectangle and stick at the back of the shirts
  • Cut another rectangle with small size and the same patterns/colors
  • Circular the middle of the rectangle with the small size rectangle and glue it so it's shaped bow
  • Done!!
4. Love Elbow Long Sleeves apparel
Ha, this not the shirts but this is something cute that you could wear. 

Materials :
1. Long Sleeves apparel
2. Fabric the color of your choosing
3. scissor
4. Glue/ thread and needle
5. Marker *not permanent

How to make :

  • Take your long sleeves apparel and the fabric 
  • Cut the fabric shaping love
  • Take your long sleeves apparel and mark with marker where your elbow is. 
  • Glue/Sew the love to your long sleeves 
  • Done!!!!! Aye!!!!
5. Flower Crop Sweater 

1. Fabric paints, the color of your choosing, buy only 2 colors
2. Sweater, the color of your choosing
3. The flower printing
4. Sponge

How to make :

  • Take the sweater and the flower printing
  • Paint the sweater with sponge and fabric paint, following the shape of the flower printing
  • Done!!!! You're done with your cutie flower sweater 
Thanks for viewing, telling me what's your favorite, and follow me on:
Twitter : @DellaCNapitu
Instagram : @dellachristina

Ilysm guys, bye-bye
xoxo, Della

Thursday, May 29, 2014

DIY : Quote Pillows

Hi Guys, Dells here, well it's not cute, but just call me Dells.Okay today I wanna to be showing you guys how to make Quote Pillows, I've told you before, that I'm obsess with pillows right now, and I don't know why.. And before we started, I remind you this blog will closed/inactive on Sunday, June 1st until Friday 6th cause I have Final Semester Exam. So I need to study.
Okay so before I'm telling you guys, how to make Quote Pillows, let we prepare all the materials
And here  is the materials, Aha!!! Well I like to saying word such as, Aha, Aye, In love. Yeah,
Okay let's get started.....
All you need :

  • Simple Pillow, the color of your choosing 
  • Fabric Marker, the color of your choosing
  • Ruler Letters, well I don't know the name actually, the ruler with the alphabet/letters on it, or must Google it
  • Your favorite Quote or wise word, or you have your own quote/wise word or whatever, the point is that is the sentence 
Okay that's so easy to make it, and what we are waiting for, let's get started, 
  • Take your pillow and the ruler letters, and fabric marker 
  • Write your quote/wise word on the pillows using fabric marker and the ruler neatly
  • You're done
Easy isn't it? So I'll doing this DIY too, but I don't know, is this working or nah, cause I can't do something neatly, yeah. I'll using the quote : "You make me happy when skies are grays" 
So let me see your Pillows, with #quotepillowswithdells and I'll do shout out for you guys
Thank you for viewing... Ilysm guys
Follow me on :
Twitter : @DellaCNapitu
Instagram : @dellachristina
xoxo, Della 

Thank you Guys!!! I love you to the moon and back !!! 200+ Page viewers

Thank you Lord Jesus, Thank you Mom, Thank you Dad, Thank you sisters, and For the last #save #the #best #for #last Thank you my blog viewers a.k.a Ma besties/ ma bae. I'm so exciting, so happy, and you know, it's midnight on my country, but i feel like I wanna to shout out loud because I just reached 200+ page viewers around 5 minutes ago. I'm so happy+exciting. You guys are amazing, awesome,adorable,gorgeous and you're one of the important people of my life now... Okay guys, we can do this, you guys can help me to reach 300 even more page viewers. Here we can make the team work, I post something that might help you, and you become my page viewers/besties/bae. So for the #present to you guys.... I'm open shout out & follow back for all of you guys on my social media account : #Facebook/#Twitter/#Youtube (I have account and channel, but I don't have any video, I just using this to comment to another video, so I could #shout #out your account with comment on the other people's videos)/#Instagram/#Blog/#Games #account (You need to know this, I guess)/#tumblr/ #polyvore #Blackberry #Messenger #bbm & #path. All you need to do is, follow me on Instagram, like 4 of my photos, and comment/telling me what's your favorite post of my blog, and when I mention you, I'll do the shout out and following you back and follow me on Twitter, mention me and if I mention you back, that's mean I'll do shout out and following you back. The easiest way is, Comment on my blog one of your account and follow me on Instagram & Twitter.
Twitter : @DellaCNapitu
Instagram : @dellachristina

How to make : Candy Cane Frappe

Hi Guys
I wanna to be showing you guys how to make Starbucks secret recipe, Candy cane frappe, so here it is, happy blogging and enjoy it :...
Ingredients :

  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 cups ice
  • 3 scoops vanilla bean ice cream
  • 1/2-1 teaspoon peppermint extract 
  • 2 drops vanilla extract 
  • Whipped Cream
How to make :
Blend till it smooth or you can't hear the ice anymore, pour into glass, Top with whipped cream and enjoy it\

How to order :
  • Ask for vanilla bean frappe
  • ask for 1 pump- *tall* 1,5 pump grande
  • 2 pumps peppermint syrup
Follow me on :
Twitter : @DellaCNapitu
Instagram : @dellachristina
xoxo, ilysm guys, Della

DIY : Plus sign Pillows

Hi Guys, On Monday, June 2nd I'll do the final semester exam. Pray for me okay!! And Because of that, This blog will closed/inactive start from Sunday, June 1st until Friday, June 6th and I'll be back on Saturday afternoon, June 7th cause my exam finish on Saturday, June 7th. I'll be so happy if you're ask for blessing me to God to do the exam.
So that's all I want to telling you guys. So for today post I wanna to be telling you guys how to make : plus sign pillows. And Yes... Now I'm obsess with pillow. Well this pillow looking simple but very cute.
Okay so what are we waiting for, let's we get started, but before we begin, let's prepare all the materials. This DIY could be spice up your room, cause you're adding some new stuff #pillows and some #colorful stuff. So here is the materials to make this cute Plus Sign Pillows
Materials :

  • Pillow,with color of your choice, I don't have any suggestion
  • Small sponge Applicator
  • Fabric paint, the color of your choosing
  • plus sign mold
How to make :
  • Take The pillow, mold , fabric paint, sponge
  • Put the mold on the pillow
  • Take the fabric paint and the sponge
  • Paint it with the sponge
  • You're done
Thank you for viewing guys, Hope this helping you, Ilysm
follow me on :
Twitter : @DellaCNapitu
Instagram : @dellachristina

So Guys
someone ask me what's the different between "DIY" label and "How to Make" label
So the different between that is I'm using DIY label when I'm posting more than one tutorial on the other hand, I'm using How to make label, when I'm posting only one tutorial. Yeah, But do not think that's the real meaning of that word, "DIY" & "How to make" I'm just making that label to a little bit spice up my post. #weird #girl
xoxo, Della

Summer Collections, May Hauls and May Favorites

Hey ho, hey ho, it's home from work I go, la la la la hey ho, hey ho, hey ho, hey ho. Hold on!!! Wait the minute, this is not the snow white and the seven dwarfs right? Sorry childhood. And guys!!! I just changed the background of my blog today, Oh My God!! but, Is that pretty good or so-so, I think that is so gorgeous and cute and whatever... So guys for today post I wanna to be showing you guys, my summer hauls collection and may favorite... Actually the Youtubers doing this but know, blogger doing the same too. So I and my mom went to the shopping yesterday, and I just got some new hauls and summer collection, but that's not very many. So I decided to telling you guys, what is my favorite stuffs on May. So come on, just let get started ....
So for my Summer Collection are number : 1,4,6, okay Come on, let's get started
For my summer collections...

1. Peace dark blue crop top
Summer is coming, so I start with this crop top. Actually my sister, Putri[Look the older post, "draw my life"] in Bandung,Indonesia [One of the city of Indonesia, you can Google it] sent it to me like three days ago, and I fell in love with this when I opened the pack and bang!! Oh my god!!! this is so much much adorable and very match/suitable for summer. And I love something blue actually. I just fell stupid on that time, cause I hugged that and brought that where ever I go. Yeah that's stupid

4. Dream of the seas denim bag
Aye, this is so much much awesome. I went shopping and found this cutest bag for summer. And it has the quote : Dream of the Seas. Yes..... As usual, I'm in love with this. Very match/suitable for summer, so I think summer is coming and this cute little thing may be one of my favorite summer things. Love it... love it.... love it!!!

6. Bleach Ripped Short
This is crazy!!! This is inspire me to make the post "DIY Bleached and Ripped Jeans" When I used this, I feel like I'm the coolest people in (my dream) the world. Yeah this is so stylish and so swag. For summer, I can imagine something crazy,swag and stylish thing than this bleached ripped short

So for my May Hauls are number : 2,3,7

2. Thailand Elephants Bag
So my cousin went to Thailand and she gave me the bag, and it's has a picture of elephants. So cute, It's can carry on my phone, money, jewelry or anything, that bag is small enough, but I love that, cause something small is cute #for #me. That bag color is red. And of course this bag so practical. So much Adorable.

3. Cute mouse computer and mouse pad
So I found this little cute mouse when I looked around and remembered that my mouse was broke, so I was asking my mom to buy the new mouse. And when I was looking for the mouse, I saw this cute little thing, well may be I'm obsess with the small thing or such as little thing. So the mouse and the pad mouse have the same picture. The picture of cute monster and it's colorful. And I like something colorful

7. Swag Logo white top
So I bought this swag white top. That's actually the brand logo of beer at my country. So that's so much swag... and I fell in love when the first time I saw it. My sister has the same one like me #twin. And I bought this on the beginning of may and I used this a lot on May. Actually this is my May favorite.

May Favorites are numbers : 8 & 9

8. Pink simple socks
I know spring is hot, and summer is hotter that spring, but when I sleep I always use Air conditioner/ AC. And I can't sleep without AC. But yeah, that's very cool on the midnight, and on march I decide to buy the new socks to keep my feet warm. I like that soft pink color and that's simple but cute. Actually I bought another, but the pink simple socks are my favorite.

9. Cute pink piggy
Hahaha.. Piggy, One of my favorite, That's actually my sister's piggy, but she is in Bandung, so I like to hug that big piggy, when I want to sleep, replacing bolsters. Soft, cute and something pink, well pink actually not one of my favorite color, but pink is awesome.

So that's only I could telling you guys about Summer Collections, May Hauls and May Favorite. hope you guys enjoy it, like it and comment below if you guys any request and follow me on:
Twitter : @DellaCNapitu
Instagram : @dellachristina
Open follow back until June 1st Hurry!!!
#SummerCollections #Hauls #May
xoxo, Della

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

DIY : Colorful Phone Cases

Hi guys, I thought that I'm sick today, or I just being lazy to do everything, or I have thinking a lot, or I have many problems, yeah, we couldn't said that as problem actually. I have this little thing that always disturbs me every seconds of my life, for 3 years or even 4 years, I'm not really sure. I know, that's sounds "to much" but, in fact, that's happen to me. Well guys, I'm told everything to you, and I hope this is only happen to me, cause it's hurts. Well I just told you my problem once, my toes nails stabbing the flesh and it's hurts me. Okay stop, I'll not gonna discuss about this anymore, let it be my own problem. May be Jesus gave me temptation. Yeah, I just believe in Him.
So guys, for today post I wanna to be showing you guys, How to spice up your phone with your phone cases. And these phone cases are easy to make and very cheap. So let's get started..
Materials :
  • Simple phone cases I suggest you to buy the cheap one, and buy 1 transparent case, and buy 2 simple cases
  • Stud & I'm not sure what is actually the name of the white ball that shimmering on the second picture, it's might be the fake pearl or the ornaments of tiara, well I dunno 
  • Colorful Pattern Papers
  • Glue, Penknife and scissor
  • Yellow/Gold/Glitter Gold acrylic paint and of course the paint brush
  • Colorful tape
How to make :

1. Pattern paper Case Decoration 
  • Put the transparent phone case, scissor, glue, penknife and the pattern papers
  • Take the transparent phone case and the pattern papers, and then cut the pattern papers following the shape and the size of the case
  • Glue the inside of the case and stick the pattern papers
  • Cut the pattern paper in camera section with penknife so that will be neat
  • Let's be creative, you could combine a lot of pattern papers or change the pattern papers once a week
  • Done!
2. Studs & shimmering phone Case
  • Let me remind you to buy the studs which do not have the sharp edges behind but it's flat
  • Take the phone case, acrylic paint and the brush, glue, studs, and the shimmering thing, I still dunno the name of that things
  • Take the phone case and then paint it with acrylic paint, I suggest Gold/Gold Glitter Color, but you could use the colors of your choice, wait till it dry
  • Glue the studs, the shimmering one, or anything that you want to add to spice up your phone case
  • Wait till it dry and you're done
3. Colorful tape for my phone
The most easiest
  • Take the phone case, tapes and the scissor
  • Tape the phone case neatly with your colorful tape, or pattern tape and using scissor cut the tape
  • Cut the tape in the camera section or another part like camera with scissor or penknife
Thank you for viewing, I'll see you later on the next post #bad #mood
sorry for bad quality picture...
Twitter : @DellaCNapitu
Instagram : @dellachristina

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How to make : Willy Wonka Starbucks Frappe


Oh my God!!! This is so yummy and look so perfect. In case i'm in love with chocolate, this is might be one of my fave treats, Aye!! So you guys have the same case like me? This Starbucks secret menu will be one of your favorite drinks Aye... So i wanna to be showing you guys how to make willy wonka frappe.Okay Let's get started :
Materials :
  • Blender
  • Cup/mug
  • Straw(optional)
  • measuring cup

Ingredients :
  • 1 cup of ice
  • 2 scoops vanilla ice cream
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 3-5 tablespoons chocolate chips
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
  • 2-4 tablespoons chocolate syrup
  • 2 teaspoon hazelnut syrup
  • Whipped cream
  • Almond & Willy Wonka chocolate (optional)
  • Mineral Water

How to make :

  • Blend everything together except the whipped cream and the almond and willy wonka chocolate and the mineral water, blend till 30-40 minutes or till it smooth or till you can't hear the ice anymore. 
  • Pour into the cup/mug, top with whipped cream
  • Melt the willy wonka chocolate and pour it on the whipped cream 
  • Puree of almond into small pieces and sprinkle on top of whipped cream
  • Taadaa.. you're done with willy wonka Frappe

DIY : Swag and Stylish Shirts/Jeans

Hi guys. What is up?, Della is here to tell you one of the crazy and amazing DIY. so for my most amazing post for today, I'll give you six DIY : Swag and Stylish Shirts/Jeans. Wow, I'm in love with these, cause these DIY  are so amazing, cheap and of course so easy to make. Comment below, tell me what is your favorite , mine is number 3, well i dunno why i like that one, but the others are amazing too.
Okay so what are we waiting for, Come on let's get started :
Before we begin, let's prepare all the materials
- Fabric paints
You'll need to buy fabric paints, and the colors are : White, Black,Purple, soft pink, blue, orange or the colors of your choice but I recommended that colors to you
- Cardboard / Flat Pedestal [as usual]
- Shirts, such as, Crop tees [Tutorial? Check my older post], black plain tee, white plain tees, tank top or the shirts of your choice, i recommended that.
- Old Jeans
-  Studs, or something else, that could spice up your DIY
- Stiff paint brush, remember "the stiff one" and the paint brush
- Masking Tape
- Sponge
- Sticker paper for clothes
- Scissor
- Penknife

Okay that's all, and let's we make it
1. Galaxy Cross tank top/sleeveless shirt

  • Lay the tank top/sleeveless shirt on the flat pedestal and put the cardboard into the tank top/sleeveless shirt. 
  • Take the Masking tape and tape the tank top/ sleeveless short forming the cross.
  • Take the fabric paint, with colors : Black, purple, soft pink, blue, orange & white 
  • Paint the cross start with black, and then add the purple and white colors, give some blue and soft pink colors, and give a little orange, and the last dot the cross with the paint brush and white color, do not dot the cross to much
  • Wait till it dry and remove the tape
  • Voila, you're done
2. Chanel fashion logo prints on a simple white crop tee

Before we started make your own Chanel logo printing, draw it or print it on the sticker paper for clothe.
Cut the unnecessary part, at the picture on the side, can be said, cut all the white part, also the middle of that logo, to make you easy, use penknife. so the remaining part only the logo. Stick the logo on the simple white crop tee. If you're draw the logo on the cardboard, cut the logo so it's forming Chanel logo, it's used to be the mold. Take the stiff paint brush and the black fabric paint and lay the mold on the simple white crop tee and start paint that, after you're finish rid of the mold and dry it. Hard to explain actually 

3. Love mustache Shirt
  • Make the mold shaped like the picture : L --- *mustache* --- O --- V --- E 
  • Lay the shirt on the flat pedestal and put the cardboard into the shirt
  • Place the mold on the shirt and tape edges of the mold, so the mold cannot move
  • Take the stiff paint brush and take the black fabric paint 
  • Paint the shirt follows the shape of the mold
  • Wait till it dry and remove the tape and the mold neatly 
  • Taaadaaa You're done 
4. Studs on the jeans
  • Lay out your supplies : Studs & Jeans 
  • Cuff your Jeans 
  • Choose a pattern of your studs
  • Stud the cuff, follow the pattern, how to stud it? Usually the back of the studs is sharp enough so you just push the stud on the cuff and it will be pierce.
  • Repeat on the other cuff
  • You can add some colors to your jeans, or bleach that or ripped that or whatever to spice up your jeans
  • Voila you're done 
5. Catwang Crop tee 
  • Take the sponge and cut the sponge shaped like a Catwang/Cat face
  • Take the paint brush and the black fabric paint
  • Paint the sponge with the small paint brush and black fabric color
  • And Stamp on the shirt
6. Swag Moon black top
  • Make the mold shaped 4 circles 
  • Take the stiff paint brush and white fabric paint
  • Start with first row, Draw the moon from the crescent moon facing to the left and progressively full 
  • Second row, Progressively full until half moon facing to the left
  • Third row, draw full moon until half moon facing to the right
  • Fourth row, draw the moon, fewer and fewer until the most little crescent moon facing to the righ
Phew, i'm tired enough to write all of this. And that's all i could showing you guys for today DIY, I hope you guys get it/understand and i hope you guys enjoy this post and this post might helping you guys. Thank you for viewing my blog, Ilysm and bye-bye