Thursday, May 29, 2014

DIY : Plus sign Pillows

Hi Guys, On Monday, June 2nd I'll do the final semester exam. Pray for me okay!! And Because of that, This blog will closed/inactive start from Sunday, June 1st until Friday, June 6th and I'll be back on Saturday afternoon, June 7th cause my exam finish on Saturday, June 7th. I'll be so happy if you're ask for blessing me to God to do the exam.
So that's all I want to telling you guys. So for today post I wanna to be telling you guys how to make : plus sign pillows. And Yes... Now I'm obsess with pillow. Well this pillow looking simple but very cute.
Okay so what are we waiting for, let's we get started, but before we begin, let's prepare all the materials. This DIY could be spice up your room, cause you're adding some new stuff #pillows and some #colorful stuff. So here is the materials to make this cute Plus Sign Pillows
Materials :

  • Pillow,with color of your choice, I don't have any suggestion
  • Small sponge Applicator
  • Fabric paint, the color of your choosing
  • plus sign mold
How to make :
  • Take The pillow, mold , fabric paint, sponge
  • Put the mold on the pillow
  • Take the fabric paint and the sponge
  • Paint it with the sponge
  • You're done
Thank you for viewing guys, Hope this helping you, Ilysm
follow me on :
Twitter : @DellaCNapitu
Instagram : @dellachristina

So Guys
someone ask me what's the different between "DIY" label and "How to Make" label
So the different between that is I'm using DIY label when I'm posting more than one tutorial on the other hand, I'm using How to make label, when I'm posting only one tutorial. Yeah, But do not think that's the real meaning of that word, "DIY" & "How to make" I'm just making that label to a little bit spice up my post. #weird #girl
xoxo, Della

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