Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thank you Guys!!! I love you to the moon and back !!! 200+ Page viewers

Thank you Lord Jesus, Thank you Mom, Thank you Dad, Thank you sisters, and For the last #save #the #best #for #last Thank you my blog viewers a.k.a Ma besties/ ma bae. I'm so exciting, so happy, and you know, it's midnight on my country, but i feel like I wanna to shout out loud because I just reached 200+ page viewers around 5 minutes ago. I'm so happy+exciting. You guys are amazing, awesome,adorable,gorgeous and you're one of the important people of my life now... Okay guys, we can do this, you guys can help me to reach 300 even more page viewers. Here we can make the team work, I post something that might help you, and you become my page viewers/besties/bae. So for the #present to you guys.... I'm open shout out & follow back for all of you guys on my social media account : #Facebook/#Twitter/#Youtube (I have account and channel, but I don't have any video, I just using this to comment to another video, so I could #shout #out your account with comment on the other people's videos)/#Instagram/#Blog/#Games #account (You need to know this, I guess)/#tumblr/ #polyvore #Blackberry #Messenger #bbm & #path. All you need to do is, follow me on Instagram, like 4 of my photos, and comment/telling me what's your favorite post of my blog, and when I mention you, I'll do the shout out and following you back and follow me on Twitter, mention me and if I mention you back, that's mean I'll do shout out and following you back. The easiest way is, Comment on my blog one of your account and follow me on Instagram & Twitter.
Twitter : @DellaCNapitu
Instagram : @dellachristina

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